Tuesday, April 05, 2011

12 Week Scan

Our new edition due October 23rd 2011.

Friday, February 04, 2011

October 13th 2010 4 years old!!


Today Jack started school (pre school really) at Our Lady of the Rosary he is very excited and even more so as our family is about to get bigger , we are expecting our second baby at the end of October!!

October 2009 3 Years Old

Friday, November 21, 2008

Our little musician

I guess with Matthew and I as parents it was highly likely Jack would be musical but we never expected him to love his drums quite this much. This is him in the studio on Daddy's drums aged 15 months!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


11 months old

Jack's first holiday, to Centre Parcs €in Longleat. He just loves to be outside and especially playing in the leaves!

Fun in the sun

Summer time means Jack gets to play in his new paddling pool.

10 months

At 10 months old and in his new house Jack took his very first steps and this really is, the actual moment caught on video.

Goodbye to Leaman Close

We are moving house so here Jack is helping to pack!
Its a sad goodbye to the house where Jack was born now we are off to the bright lights so Jack can see his grandparents lots more yipeeeeee!

9 months

At 9 months, standing up is Jacks favourite game, he particularly likes to dance around the umbrella pole!!! ?

Friday, June 15, 2007

8 months old

As you can see Jack is still blonde, weighs just over 22lbs,which means he now gets his first proper car seat which he absolutely loves as he can see Mummy and Daddy in the front and where he is going.
He crawls like a pro and has even started pulling himself up to his feet sometimes.
He is sleeping through the night, every night now so Mummy is starting to catch up on her sleep too.
Jack loves to be heard and bash things to make a noise (like Daddy), watch this space for his first public performance!

Look what I can do!!!

On 8th June 2007 Jack finally figured out how to go forward and is now officially mobile!

Playtime with buzzybee

Now the summer is finally here Jack loves nothing more than a game of row the boat in the garden.

7 months old

Aged 7 months and Jack has learned to slide backwards on his hands and knees, which is fine until he gets stuck between the furniture!!!! He now weighs 21lbs and growing taller everyday!

Jack's first swim

On 23rd April2007, Jack went swimming for the first time. He loved and basically used it as one giant bath!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hanging out with friends

All these babies are from our NCT antenatal class and were all born in September and October 2006. As you can see Jack really enjoys being with them all.

6 months old

Well as you can see weaning is still going well and Pirate Jack loves to be involved in the process, although doesn't always hit his mouth!!! Jack now weighs around 21lbs!
He has 2 teeth ( at the bottom) and is sitting up all by himself. Quite a busy month. Luckily for Mummy and Daddy he has not yet managed to coordinate his limbs enough to crawl hey there's no hurry!!!!
He loves to roll over onto his tummy but doesn't always remember how to roll back which is not funny at 4am!
he loves to bounce and is getting very strong legs and at last all the energy he is using means he is going through the night most nights now, yipee.

5 months old

This is a picture of Jack when he took Mummy out for Mothers Day.

Jack at the Park

Jack loves to go to the park with Daddy, who swings him very high!!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007


Big news, Jack had his first taste of solid food today, 16th March 2007. He had 5 little spoonfuls of yummy mashed banana and was very impressed! He is now 5 months old and weighs a hefty 18lb 2ozs !!!!!!!!!