Thursday, November 16, 2006

Guess who is a month old?

Well we can't quite believe it a month has gone already. Jack has taken a while to figure out how to get his milk from Mummy and also definitely doesn't like it when he has wind in his tummy which all in all has lead to a very long first month for us all, however as you see from this picture he is a very happy content little boy now and finally regained his birth weight at 4 weeks exactly.
Today (5 weeks old tomorrow) he weighs 8lb 1 oz so is slowly getting there and is doing very well.

Happy Halloween

Jack dressed up to greet the Trick or Treaters only to sleep through the whole thing!

Jack's First Week

What a busy week, Jack's first outing to the park with Mummy and Daddy and then a trip to see his Great Grandma and only a week old!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

INTRODUCING Jack Christopher Michael Brown

Finally 10 days late. Our little hero arrived. After only 7 hours of labour, Jack was born on lucky Friday 13th October 2006 at 10:08am.
Weighing in at 7lb 13oz he arrived at home as planned, spontaneously weeing and pooing all over the midwife and mummy as he arrived!!!!!
Welcome to the world little one xxx

Sunday, October 01, 2006

39 weeks

Well safe to say there is definitely a baby in there and boy is it ready to come out!! Head fully engaged, facing the right way. Birthing pool is ready to be inflated, hypnosis sessions in full swing as of today (sunday) 2 days to D day somehow though I think we may have a little bit of time to wait yet don't ask me how I know, call it a feeling!!! I reckon we will be in action around the 12th......

37 and a half weeks

Got to the tent wearing stage now!! Am still working full time and feeling pretty good actually. Mini doesn't seem to want to make up it's mind whether to come out facing forwards or backwards so I seem to be spending a lot of time on my hands and knees encouraging the latter!!! Only 2 and a half weeks to D day..............

Thursday, June 15, 2006

How very Biblical

bump shot.

On hols in Morocco 1 week short of 6 months pregnant.

I've got my Daddy's mouth!

Today I am 22 weeks old and kicking my mummy a lot now, usually at tea time and bed time which Mummy says is not a good sign!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Haven't I grown

Here is Mini now 12 weeks and 3 days. Measuring about the size of an adult thumb! Look how it's little feet are crossed at the ankles!! Definitely having a hamlet moment!!
Finally we have made it past the first trimetster. Yipee

Hello I am 'mini b'

At only 6 and a half weeks, I was getting stomach pains, so we had an early scan which revealed a little growing baby measuring just 6.8mm!

The proud parents to be!!!!!!