Saturday, January 13, 2007

3 months old today

Well as you can see Jack has grown some and now weighs in at just over 12lb and is doing really well. He slept through the night for the first time yesterday (well midnight to 6am is good enough for us!!!!) He loves to chat and is particularly fond of Mummy and Daddy's singing and often joins in. He still sleeps in with us during the night, but sleeps in his own room during the day like a big boy. He certainly has become a happy handsome little man (hey we are biased).

Happy New Year 2007 @ 4 mins past midnight

As Daddy had to work, Jack kindly offered to take Mummy out for New years eve.

Christmas visit to Great Grandma's

Boxing Day 2006

After eating lots of christmas leftovers Daddy teaches Jack how to spend boxing day!

Jack's first christmas

Father Christmas found Jack's stocking and filled it to overflowing, he even woke Jack up for a cuddle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Progress at last

Well as you can see formula suits Jack he now weighs 9lb 10oz

If I hide under this towel maybe I won't have to put my clothes on again

Jack's first taste of formula wasn't quite what he expected!

Ready Mummy......
Yuk what was that?
Ok I'll have some more.......!

2 months old

Well after a very difficult month with Jack and his feeding habits we have finally decided that it is time to switch to formula feeds. Jack still only weighs 8lb 10oz which just isn't enough for an 8 week old baby that was 7lb 13 oz at birth!!! Mummy is still going to try and give expressed breast milk. Jack also had his first jabs this week which weren't very nice, so all in all it is not suprising that he isn't smiling but still looks very cute in this photo!